by wrongdude | Mar 16, 2009 | Daily (Kinda)
I saw one of the Real Estate sections disappear this past Saturday from our local daily The Bulletin. The advent of less advertisers no doubt. It appears that the former Real Estate section was replaced with a Public Notice section – featuring mostly...
by wrongdude | Mar 13, 2009 | Daily (Kinda), Project
Now available on a browser near you – – Anne Scott’s website for her one-of-a-kind handmade leather handbags. A fun project indeed. After our initial meetings and planning, one of the first tasks on the list was to assemble a library of her...
by wrongdude | Nov 1, 2008 | Daily (Kinda)
Two interesting things happened this weekend – The first time I can remember a Halloween night being so unseasonably ‘warm’ in Bend & The first time I have ever seen the Bulletin’s Real Estate section being so thin, so thin that both sections had no inserts,...