Lucy Basset Hound

Lucy cracks me/us up. She’s our Basset Hound, who now relaxes even more on her own circular dog pillow/bed, which was bestowed upon her last month from, um, Santa Paws. Now when Lucy waddles up to me I notice an unfamiliar, yet recognizable scent – that of cedar...

Our Basset Hound

So we have a Basset Hound. Very cool dogs really. Never thought I would own one, but now that we have one, the thought of another is appealing. Lucy (that’s her name) is super mellow, a total sweetheart, and loves the company of people. She’s small for a Basset Hound...

Basset Nose

As interesting as it would be to have a dog that talks (like we see on TV shows and movies), I think there’s something to having the undivided attention (at times) of a dog whose response to our presence is marked by an array of body movements and a bark, or...

Naughty dogger

My parents went on a vacation and left their dog with us. This dog, when in the care of my parents, lives the lavish life; Warm meals, soft pillows to nap on, daily leashed walks (with the proper attire of course), etc. Now Chanel (the dog is named after a European...