Today was a great day for our country – a definitive step forward and dawn of a very different type of presidency. I’m glad to be a part of it.
One of the cool things about this inauguration (besides its obvious historic significance) was the ability for many of us to watch it in various places and formats. From the television in our family room to the monitor at my studio, the coverage was live – be it broadcast or streaming (via CNN/Facebook). And if you happen to miss it, there were plenty of places for you to have a glimpse of the days highlights – one of them being our home gaming console, the xbox 360. The coverage was rampant, and there’s no doubt this is just the beginning.
Obama’s marketing juggernaut will once again rear its head – this time for at least a four tenure. Keeping the people informed the way no other president has.
Through social networking hubs scattered across the internet, our president will have an arsenal of venues to communicate directly with the “plugged-in” people of this country – traditional media (radio, television, print) will for the first time take a back seat as our primary source of information into the White House, we will have a direct line to our Commander-in-Chief. How much we will be informed will obviously be filtered, how often we will be informed is yet to be seen, but one thing is for certain, it’s going to be cool.