Mari Lassa Handbag
Now available on a browser near you – – Anne Scott’s website for her one-of-a-kind handmade leather handbags.

A fun project indeed.
After our initial meetings and planning, one of the first tasks on the list was to assemble a library of her current product line, so a date was set and I cruised out to the studio with my gear and started shooting handbags. Then it was design time while adHOC collaborated with Anne to get the copy just right. Next it was development and thanks to the help of Joshua Clanton, the website was coded just right.

It’s complete. With the set-up of several other online networks to get her out there – virtually – and a little PR bump to boot, Anne now has a fully functioning ecommerce website. Cool!
If you live in Bend, be sure to check out The Bulletin next week for more details on Anne. She’s super talented for sure.