Continued from a previous post.
Today was a phenomenal day for Max! We saw a true change in his spirit, motivation, and overall attitude toward his situation. Knowing that both Laurie and I are around, family and friends have been and will continue to visit, reading him everyone’s positive comments, and being in such a great facility with an incredible staff have all contributed to Max’s healing.
Max didn’t have the best night’s sleep though. His hands would try their best to reach for his face and scratch, but I wouldn’t let them. He was awoken by the failed attempts to draw blood from his bruised right arm. And he had to make a couple of bathroom trips with the pole on wheels in tote. But that was the extent of annoyances for the remainder of the day which was yet to unfold.
I woke up and Laurie was already up and by his side, her smile gleaming at me from across the room. It’s been quite the time with her Max and I in this 200 sq.ft room – we have our own bathroom and a window to the parking lot. Even though we’ve been in such close quarters, we’ve spent hardly any time together, maybe the occasional hug and goodnight kiss – but that’s about it. We are both intently focused on Max.
Max was awake and ready to go – he had already eaten part of his cheese omelet and slice of ham, so I was getting a late start at 7:30 in the morning, but I was ready for another Lego run. I helped him finish off his meal and Laurie cruised out to get some coffee. We reviewed the type of Legos I was going to get – Lego Agents, and if I wanted I could also get a Nerf gun – if I wanted.
After finishing my coffee, I headed out to Fred Meyer once again. It was nice to get out. Laurie and Max went for a walk and found the ‘underground tunnel’ – an adventure for sure. When I returned they were back in the room and Back to the Future 2 was on (not one of Spielberg’s best). Laurie told me Max could see me through the window walking back from the Pathfinder with a couple of boxes – he was excited. I also had a tub of large curd cottage cheese for Eric, who is doing better and is being sent home tomorrow. Eric has some serious burns as well, but the doctor believes he is fine to go home and return in a week or so for a check-up. Max will be here until Saturday, at which point the doctor will give us a clearer picture on next steps. Max was thrilled upon my arrival and wanted to start building – but then a couple of staff walked through our door – the people from ‘school’ had arrived.
Max was thrilled, he was actually looking forward to going to school/therapy (like he mentioned the day before). They gave him a fresh pair of booties and we were off. We walked outside and across the street to the main hospital. Then once inside we went up the stairs to the children’s hospital. It was nice – cool art, and fun colors – things you’d expect to see in a pediatric center (and actually should be all over the hospital). We walked past the older section and into the physical therapy area – this part was fun! Max was handed a basketball and immediately started shooting hoops – not in a gym, but in the hallway and shooting baskets into one of those portable outdoor 4ft tall kids backboards with a plastic hoop and net. It was great, he was smiling and having a good time using both his arms and catching the full size basket ball no-problem. Then they had him shoot hoops while sitting on one of those big bouncing balls – he was working the core! Next it was battle ball! Picture a really short kayak paddle, but with flat paddles. We were each handed one of these and a balloon. The game was simple, hit the balloon to your opponent, so back and forth the balloon went. Then they asked if he liked scooters – Max was all over it. With helmet on, Max went scooting! Through hallways and down to the kids area, where there was a theater, bingo hall, video game area and lounge – he was stoked! They showed him the classroom – which was on the way back. And then they showed us how to get back through the tunnel.
It was so funny – the PT was fast walking after Max with her arms spread out behind him in the tunnel – like a kid would do if they were trying to make believe they were flying – but she was doing it to protect him in the event he slipped and fell or something – Following him like a nervous parent does her child as she learns to ride a bike. But Max being the expert scooter that he is kept one eye ahead and the other on her, going fast enough juuust to keep her on her toes. Super fun and super funny to watch!
Once we got back to our room, Max was exhausted and happy – he told Laurie about bingo at 1:30 and school right after that – he was pumped. We chilled out in the room, had some lunch and started building Legos – then it was time to pick up aunite! I gave Max a kiss and headed to the airport.
When we returned, Max was gone – off to bingo I suppose, and then off to school. So we left the room and headed up to the children’s hospital. As we approached the double doors I noticed Laurie and Max walking towards us and it looked like Max had something in his hands. As they got closer we noticed it was a four pack of Play Doh! ‘Max! What’s that?’ I asked ‘I won this at bingo! Hi aunt Yvette!’ he said. He won a prize and had a smile on his face and was heading to school.
The school was cool. It was a room with a bunch of school stuff in it – books, computers, maps, word search, desks, more books. Laurie and Yvette took off and Max and I hung out for a little bit, learning about our country – but I could tell he needed some space just like we did, so I left him in the good hands of the teacher.
Later, back at the room, our friends Harold and Dave paid us a surprise visit! Max was at school and it was almost time for him to come back anyways, so I decided to take them over to pick him up. Once we got to the school room, it was Max and the teacher sitting next to each other and Max playing Math Blast on the computer – he was smiling again, and happy to see more visitors – Or maybe it was seeing that gift Harold was toting in a bag, either way he was smiling. And his smile got even bigger as we cruised back to the room in a wheelchair – at times pulling wheelies.
The day wound down with some take out from Pastini’s, the completion of a Lego set and another visit from cousin Nicole. We threw in Rush Hour 2 and vegged it out.
Max had a great day full of activity. The swelling on his face has pretty much subsided and his appetite is strong. He’s only got one tube going in his nose for nutrition and that’s it. He’s crashed out right now sleeping super heavy (no meds now) and preparing for what will no doubt be another great day tomorrow.
Today was great – and if it weren’t for being in the hospital and being wrapped up, I swear you wouldn’t know that this kid was injured at all.
I have been following this every day and still think of your family often. I am happy to see the post so full of positivity… I wish Max the speediest of recoveries…
Best wishes
Uh, oh Max,
They’re making school fun there? That’s just not in the teacher’s handbook. I’m going to have to report them for violating teacher code 8.37X. You know the rule: Keep school boring so the kids feel tortured. (What, are they trying to make the rest of us look bad?) You’re going to school and playing on the computer? Winning Play Doh? That’s what I’m talkin’ about! 🙂 Now all the kids are going to read this and the pressure here is going to be turned up! LOL
No really, I’m picturing you listening intently and being quick with the answers. I’ll bet the teacher LOVED your enthusiasm. You rock Max!
We’re all so relieved to hear you’re on the mend. We’re keeping you in our thoughts and EVERYONE is asking about you. You keep that smile going and tell that teacher I said hi (probably shouldn’t tell her I plan to report her, let that be our little secret-wink,wink 😉
With Love and no Play Doh-we do have computers though,
Mrs. Stirling
Hey Carlos! So glad I found you but so sad to hear about what little Max is going through. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to catch up when things calm down. Love you!
Me again… I wrote my other note after the first post and just read this one. AWESOME! He sounds like an amazing kid and its so fun to hear about his adventures! Sounds like you’re blessed to be in a really cool place. Will continue to pray for complete healing and most of all… lots, lots, lots more fun! 🙂
Good Morning Max, Laurie and Carlos! Max, do they have any room in the class for me? I am tired of working in noisy NYC and your new school sounds like a hoot. Let me know when the next class is and I will fly out to Portland. We can make spit balls and shoot them during class!!! I will bring the straws and paper. : – O Love, Uncle Kevin
Hey all,
This is so awesome that you are doing this for all of us and I am sure it also helps you guys too.!!
Thanks so much!! Miss you ,love you. I am going to be up your way this weekend!!! So you better get ready for CRAZY AUNTIE JENN!!!! WOOP There It IS!!! What’s that??? Yeah you heard me……..
Greetings and love to all of you up there. Max is incredible, and as it turns out, his dad is a great writer. I so appreciate hearing the updates, and the positive outlook – plus, the fun side of ‘school’ and exercise and bingo! Wow! All going in the right direction for healing.
Thanks for letting us know what is happening.
Love, Sandy
ps – did you really want my website? I’d love for you to look at it.
Hey Max – school sounds fun there you may not want to go back to your real school!!! You are such a trooper, I want you to know that the group back in New York is thinking of you every day and hoping you are feeling great. Say hi to Mom and Dad for us – we sent you something to help you feel better. Take it easy.
Tracey, Steve and Katie Bellone
I hope you feel better soon!!!
Hey Max!
Just wanted to say ” Get well Soon”……… Hope you can go home soon.
Mary and Abby
Hey Gang–
Loving the new blog and title, we are so grateful that you’re sharing so much of your experience. I like what you said about other than the bandages you couldn’t tell there was anything wrong…What did St. Exupery say? Something about “what is essential is invisible to the eye…” You’re all wrapped up Max so we can’t see you, but what is essential comes through loud and clear!
Love from the Bs.
What beautiful pictures! Thanks for all the updates…I love to read how much difference a day makes!! Love you all:) Michelle
Hey Max,
We missed you today at school. Just wanted to let you know we were thinking about you. You’re going to miss another fun spelling and math fact test tomorrow. I know, I know, you hate to miss it, right? No biggie, just oo, oy, and long o sound words. Piece of cake…or should I say pizza for you. LOL
Hang in there Max!
With love,
Mrs. Stirling and the gang
Greetings from the HA Ranch!!!!
It was sooooooo GREAT to talk to you Laurie…. I can’t wait to see you guys. I hope you can smell all the baked goodies from here!!! I hope Max is ready to get his EAT ON!!!!! Give me a jingle if you need me to stop anywhere on the way up!!
Love you guys,
Today was the first day I was able to give Max a kiss on the lips! Something I’ve taken for granted as of late and pretty much since he entered into stinky boy age – not that he’s stinky, but he’s more of a boy now than a child, if that makes sense. Every night he makes sure he plops a kiss on me and Laurie before gong to bed and often I give him a kiss without thinking about it – just more of thing to do before bed, like brushing teeth. At nights here I stare at him as he sleeps watching time cure – and making sure he doesn’t scratch his head.
His face, or actually his exposed face, glistens with ointment. The immediate area surrounding his eyes, eye lids, bottom of his nose, mouth and lips – covered in ‘lube’. A couple of days ago his lips were swollen with a thick crusty hard shell – the last of which peeled off nicely this afternoon during his shower. He was at first reluctant to enter the shower, but once in, enjoyed it fully. It was a walk-in shower w/ dual movable shower heads and a portable seat. Nice. Those lips he kissed us with, not but last week, were coming back. A bit sore and still on the mend, but visibly healing.
Our nurse tonight mentioned lips, ears, and noses took a little more time. Regardless, I leaned over puckered and gently kissed Max. He smiled. We had vanilla ice cream for the first time here and it was good. Max ate most of it, but started noticing blood streaks on the side of the spoon swirled in with the vanilla and kind of lost his appetite. The blood was just a reminder that his lips – even though they looked better, were still very fragile and on the mend, along with the rest of his wounds.
The day started off with more Lego building and some Nerf-gun target practice. We talked about a bunch of things – school, therapy, friends, being bored out of our minds, why he was here – he had done nothing wrong and he knew it, but as a boy of 10, I think the severity of what happened was/is a bit too much to grasp and has yet to be processed.
As we were talking a black van pulled up to park, almost right in front of our window. I thought nothing of it and continued to play with Max. A moment later I noticed a child playing right next to the van – running, bouncing, he must have been about 4 years old. His mom or dad (I couldn’t tell from where I was sitting) had just pulled up and was getting prepared to get out, but had opened the side door for the boy to get out. I smiled – the boy was having a good time. Then he stopped looked right at Max and froze for a brief moment and then continued on jumping, playing, being a kid. I turned away and focused on building Legos. I thought – not all burn victims are as fortunate as Max. Half of that child’s face was scar tissue – bumpy, discolored. The right side of his face looked like partially melted strips of string cheese. The pain this child must have gone through – he had for sure incurred more severe burns than Max and yet was outside and fully functional. I immediately thought of what our doctor had said ‘Max’s injuries will not stop him from a leading a functional life‘. I thought the parents of that child out there were probably given a similar diagnosis but with the additional news of needing surgery to make that functional life a reality. So far we are hoping/praying that Max will not need anything more that time, love, and tenderness (and daily dressing changes with more treated gauze and ointment) – so far so good. We are thankful.
Max played a little basketball today along with some scooting and walking. And he actually went back to school! It’s not like real school though – It’s more of a do-what-you-like in an educational environment free flow. Max played Scrabble, solved puzzles, and had an opportunity to take a claymation class. Cool! But he was getting tired – so we left.
Aunt Yvette kept us company today and our friends Mark and Heather stopped by to wish us well. Max got a cool Candygram from the Penn State Gang, letters from his buddy Caleb and aunt Patricia & Uncle Jim! And cousin Nicole stopped by.
We continue to read Max posts regularly as it’s a great source for inspiration and in some cases laughs. :^)
It’s good to see Max smiling more and joking around a bit. His spirits are high but like all of us he’s ready for a change of scenery. This place is great though – we have nothing bad to say about our whole experience so far, but at times it does feel like the walls are closing in on us here. We can’t wait to get home soon to see everyone – but will gladly stay here as long as it takes for Max to get better.
Good Morning! I have to write about this cause I am so impressed with my little guy. For the past few nights when Max needed to go to the bathroom, he would need our help walking the pole of fluids along with him. Tonight Carlos and I were asleep on our cot, and we hear Max get up. This time he didn’t even bother to ask us for help. He unplugged himself from the wall, like he has seen us do so many times, and walked to the bathroom. I was so happy for him. He has and I’m sure always will be a quick learner and an independent one at that! I listened intently to make sure he was o.k. and of course he did awesome. He peed in the jar, washed his hands and was on his way out when I got up. I wanted to tuck him back in bed and tell him how proud I was of his next step, his courage and his independence.
This was a profound moment for me, and I needed him to know. Even if it was just going to the bathroom (thanks for the advice big brother Scott). :^)
During our stay here, Carlos and I have been telling Max how proud we are of his progress, his strength and courage. We realize this journey doesn’t end when we get home. He will need time to process what has occurred and time to heal emotionally, as will the entire family.
Thanks for your continued love and support. We feel it for sure!
Hi Laurie and family,
Just wanted to wish you all, esp. Max, a speedy recovery. Hopefully you can go home soon. It sounds like things are getting better.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take Care, Deb
SHOULD be in BEND by this EVENING!
Max is so excited! More to come later!
Great to hear you’re headed back to Bend! Wrongdude, your photos from the OBC garden are really stunning. It was great to see Max up and about and in such great spirits. See you all soon! -HOCilicous
Max, Carlos & Laurie,
We’re thinking of you guys and are so happy to read/hear that you’re doing better and coming home! Looking forward to seeing you all in the alley again!
Allison, Drew & O
hey max!
its troy i just wanted to know how you were doing and say hi. im so glad to hear you’re doing well. cant wait tell you get back to school. there is tons of homework
and isnt it going to be fun doing homework AGAIN.!!!!!
i miss you badley man.
From, Troy
P.S my mom really cant wait tell you get out of the center talk to you later BYE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear, Max
I heard about your burns from Merle on Friday, September 26, I’m so sorry, I hope you feel better really soon. Getting off that subject, have you heard of the video game “Spore”? I’ve borrowed it from Paul Freihoefer, have I introduced you to him? Anyway, it’s really fun! You get to create your own alien race, you start as a cell, then evolve into a creature, then your species forms a tribe, then a civilization and then it’s off to the stars, you get to create your own space ship and conquer the galaxy! Sorry if you already know about it. Again, I hope you feel better really soon.
Your worried friend, Wyatt
Dear, Max
I’m posting again because on my last post I had not realiezd how severe the situation is, Merle and Frankie only told me what happened, that you are getting better and you’ll be fine, but until reading the posts your mom and dad wrote I was not as worried as I am now. If I rated how worried I am now on a scale of 1-10 it would be 2000. Jeez Max, your such a trooper that you could have been in a nucleur explosion and come out with a paper cut! Speedy Healing.
Your even more worried friend, Wyatt
Leaving the hospital happened just as quickly as arriving.
We had been preparing for another day at the hospital – Laurie Max and I had our morning routines down.
Max – Wake up, roll out of bed, go to bathroom (while pulling feeding machine with him), turn on the TV with the volume really low, and wait for nurse to come in to check vital.
Laurie – Wake up with Max and hang out until I woke up (I had the late night shift, watching Max at night and keeping his hands off of his face so he wouldn’t scratch his burns. They were starting to itch).
Me – Roll out of the portable bed, brush teeth, fold up the portable bed and hang out with Max while Laurie would head out to the atrium to get breakfast and coffee.
Max would already be eating his cream cheese and bagel breakfast by 8am.
We would all hang out for a bit and then get ready for his morning dressing change. This morning was a bit different as I had planned to pick up my sister at 9:30am at her hotel and our good friend and son (Mitch and Ryan) were planning on cruising by at 10am. And my parents and Ana were getting ready to leave Bend to stay in Portland for the weekend so they could see Max and we could see Ana.
When I returned w/ my sister, Max was ready for the dressing change. He knew the drill and was looking forward to it. This time it was different though – we didn’t need masks, hair covers or aprons – just gloves. The nurse mentioned we needed to start doing this like we were at our home.
After Max’s dressing were removed we waited for the doctor to come by – which he did in a matter of minutes.
He looked at Max and was pleased. ‘You can go home today.’
Max’s burns were healing – extremely fast! But Max was more excited that that tube which was in his nose was finally coming out after seven days.
after that news, everything was in fast motion.
Max was all wrapped up and playing with Ryan in the waiting area, Laurie started getting our things ready, my sister took off to get the car ready and check out of her hotel. My parents canceled their trip and were now waiting for us to come home. We ate some Pizza Shmitza which Mitch and Ryan picked up for us and then started packing up the cars and took off!
Max had been receiving boxes of goodies from family and friends – it took both cars to bring everything back!
We got home saw my parents (briefly) and gave Ana huge hugs and kisses, and squeezed the dogs. We saw a few neighbors, had dinner and started to get things in order. My mom had cooked us this delicious chicken dinner which we devoured. Max and Ana played a little – but everyone was exhausted. I made it through part of the presidential debate, and some of the Speed Racer movie – but adrenaline was no more and it was time to crash.
Ana is sleeping now – and so is Max. Laurie too. The cool thing is we are sleeping in Max’s room tonight (he made up the sofa in his room as a bed for me – he wanted to do it). That’s cool – but the cooler thing is that Max, Laurie and I are all sleeping in his room. Laurie and I were so looking forward to sleeping in our big comfy king size with the soft sheets – but for some reason this just feels better. The two of us squished on a sofa in the same room as the Max man – it’s good to be home. :^)
We are so thrilled that all of you are finally home snuggled in your own beds together under one roof. Carlos, Laurie, Max & Ana you are an amazing family. Thank you for all the updates on Max and sharing your story with us. Both of you are great writers. We know Max will continue to heal at warp speed now that he is home surrounded with love. Max, we just want you to know that we are so proud of you and look forward to seeing you soon. I know all the kids in your class will be so thrilled to hear you are home. I can’t wait to see you back at High Lakes. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Best Wishes, The Guerzon Family
Max is doing well, sleeping soundly as though the past week had never happened. I needed to get up. My body seems to be used to the schedule at the hospital and may take some time to break. That’s o.k. that’s the least of my worries.
Max will be home, inside for the most part unless covered with a wide brimmed hat, for the upcoming week. We have an appointment back in Portland on Friday. At that time, the doctor will let us know the extent of Max’s healing process. I believe the outcome will be excellent, and he won’t need any skin grafting on his left arm. At the moment, that is the deepest burn, but as I have learned burns change rapidly and for the most part are unpredictable. Max definitely proved that. He is an amazing healer. I was so prepared on being there for 2 weeks because of the initial diagnosis, but Max intended on healing faster.
I truly believe he was discharged early because of his inner self and basically who he is. He listened to all the instructions we, the doctors, nurses, teachers and physical therapists gave him. He barely, gosh if at all, complained about his situation..well that feeding tube was bothersome for him. I would be upset if a 2 foot tube was up my nose.
Everyone’s thoughts and well wishes also moved him out the door too. He truly enjoyed all of the cards, toys, balloons, phone calls, and posts. Please continue to post. We love making it part of our bedtime routine :^)
I am feeling a bit sleepy. Thanks to everyone! The family is so blessed and full of love and gratitude.
What a strong and awesome kid you are, Max! We are so happy that you’re healing so quickly and so well. Looking forward to seeing you playing on the cul-de-sac again soon!
Love, The Ocels
Tommy, Ari, Duncan & Ellie
Welcome home, Familia Perez! We can’t wait to stop by, but we’re guessing you’re house will be pretty full in the next few days. Let us know when it’s open season for visits!
I talked to the fire chief Larry Huhn about you yesterday, Max. He didn’t know the specifics but was aware of your accident, and was very happy to hear that you’re doing so well. Those guys really care about their jobs and the people they help.
Cheers from the bottom of the hill–
The Bs
Hey Max,
I’m sooooo glad you’re home. That’s a really good sign. They wouldn’t have sent you home if you weren’t doing an amazing job of healing. The kids (and the whole school!) were so excited to hear you were out of the hospital. They’ve made a bunch of cards and a comic book for you. I’ll give you a call to see when I can drop them off. For now, you just rest up, and let me know when you’re ready for some school work. We don’t want that brain of yours turning to mush now, do we? (We put a big tub on your desk to hold all the work you’ve missed, the stack was starting to fall off the edge of your desk.)
Oh, and now I know where you get your writing talent from. Your parents get an A+, but I’ll bet you already knew they were awesome huh?
See you soon Max.
With Love and Admiration,
Mrs. Stirling
Hey Guys!
I am sooooo happy that you were able to come home (don’t worry about the debate Carlos…you didn’t miss much…LOL). Sounds like you’re doing great Max and, even though you probably don’t remember meeting us from when you lived in TX, we’re all thinking about you! I explained to Sydney (5) how into Legos you are and now she’s asking for them. We’ll see…
Hang in there and enjoy being HOME!
I am speechless … so in awe of all of you! Tears of joy and absolute amazement as I read the last 2 days of entries.
God is so good!
Max, you are incredible! Keep doing all the great things you have been doing … and don’t forget to keep eating well!
Hugs, love and more hugs to all of you … from all of us!
-Aunt Irene
p.s. Penn State goes 5-0 …. yahoo! Oregon State … amazing vs. USC!
Max, Carlos, Laurie and Ana,
Amazing…I am so proud of all of you for your ability to handle such a difficult time so well- you are inspirational and I love reading the blog. I look forward to hearing about Max’s progress and to knowing that he is and will continue to get better. I miss you all and this just makes me want to hug you more than ever. We love you!
– Ant, Bob, Katie and Alex 🙂
Max is doing great – exceeding all of our expectations in so many ways. With such support from family and friends, how could one not heal so quickly.
Being home never felt so good. We spent some much needed family time together (seven days without seeing my daughter was hard) and enjoyed each others company for dinner both Saturday and Sunday nights – seven of us at our house for one night and then at my sisters for the other (she lives right next door, so it was a quick walk for Max under heavy cover).
On Saturday our friends Carol, Gregg and their daughter Ana stopped by with some pizza and a little bit of chit chat. Our friend Kristen (Mitch’s wife) also stopped by to say hola and to drop off a cool reef for our front door. Our neighbor Kathy stopped in during dinner – She, like all the others were so pleased to see Max healing quickly.
A group of Max’s friends (Eli, Chris, Duncan) stopped by as well to welcome Max back and hand him a really cool card they had made with the help of a bunch of kids from the neighborhood – it was very cool, Max was stoked!
I was exhausted on Saturday and to-boot my allergies kicked in the moment we rolled into Bend – the sofa was my friend for the day.
Sunday rolled around and we spent most of the day relaxing – with a small window for me to roll out and hook up w/ David and Harold to mount a new bag on my bike – but that’s a different post.
Max had a surprise visitor on Sunday – Mrs Sterling his teacher!
Having your child’s teacher stop by on a Sunday afternoon is about as common as a doctor making a house-call. We were truly thankful for her visit. Max was thrilled to see her! She came with a bag full of well wishing notes from students, one of whom gave Max a big book of Mad-Libs – which came in very handy tonight. Ana had just gone to sleep, and it was a few minutes before Max’s bedtime so we snuck a few Mad-Libs in before it was time to hit the hay. After several well placed adjectives, nouns, and adverbs, we were all laughing out loud. We all took turns writing and guessing words – Max was on the floor at one point laughing, and I found myself wiping tears of joy from my eyes. Laurie was laughing hard too and did one more before we decided it was enough. Perhaps tomorrow will be another Mad-Libs night.
This weekend I put together some of the images from the past week as it relates to what’s been happening. As many of my friends know – I try to take as many pictures of anything as I can. If I’m not carrying my Canon in my backpack, it’s my LG camera phone taking the shots.
I have reviewed all the images I am posting with Max to make sure it was OK with him before I uploaded them for everyone to see. He was all for it. I am putting these images up as a record for us to look back on and see how Max has progressed over time. I am posting these images for other families who may have to go through a similar situation with their children – for them to see and know that great hospital care, support from a community of well wishers, family, friends, and time will heal the wounds.
Max is continuing to heal, and it will be a long road for sure – but he has come so far in just these past several days we have great confidence that he will be in good shape in the long run.
The images of his first days immediately after the incident are somewhat brutal – but they get better as time goes by. You can see the images by clicking here.
Laurie Carlos Ana & Max! Just saw all the photos of Max’s recovery! Amazing! Max you truly are an amazing boy! It’s wonderful your healing so quickly. No words can discribe the emotions we have felt over the last two weeks of your ordeal. We are so happy your back home surrounded by those who love you. Big hugs and soft kisses!!!!!!!! we love you very very mucho!
Hey Max!
Guess What! I heard a rumor that Uncle Kevin is going to take all of us kids to Lego Land next summer for vacation!
Hope you’re doing better! Can’t wait to see you this winter.
(OK … so maybe my mom started the rumor, but I think it’s a great idea! I bet Stephen, Danny, Lauren and Ana agree! Cousins unite!)
I’m so glad that you are home ahead of schedule. You look amazing in the pictures your dad took. You must have been eating your vegetables! I’ll come visit soon.
Janelle Rebick
Wow! The pictures are amazing and left me speechless. They are an amazing record of how far you have ALL come, especially Maxman. Max, you look amazing! Thanks for posting them, it helps me and I am sure a lot of us who are so far away realize how well things are going. Your(word) posts are so meaningful and I am sure writing is helpful in the healing process for all of you. I love you all so much and feel an incredible urge and need to HUG and kiss you, it stinks we are across the country! So please hug and kiss one another (AGAIN!!!) for me.
Hey Max,
So what do you think. Did I send you enough work? 🙂 You probably have it all done already and are drumming your fingers on the table waiting for more, right? You’re such a hard worker, it won’t take you long to catch up at all.
It was so good to see you yesterday! The first thing the kids wanted to know, before they even came in the door, was whether you were back at school today. I told them you had a checkup at the end of the week and that you needed a little more time to heal. Mrs. Rebick came in first thing to find out how you were doing. She’s been very worried and is so glad to see you mending so quickly.
Your pictures are amazing. Wow, to think that just a few days ago you were wrapped up like a King Tut and now you look like a regular boy again. You’re like a mending machine!
Keep eating tons of good food so you can get back to your regular routine (school!!). We miss you Max.
With love,
Mrs. Stirling
Hi Max,
It was SO great to see you the other day. We think you must have super-hero blood in you! You truly are a heroic boy Max, and we can’t wait till our families can go hiking or skiing together again!
Bomber, Ana, and Gregg
Max- what a difference a few days can make- the healing is remarkable- I’m sure the doctors are boasting about how amazing you are to everyone!!!
Laurie & Carlos- what an ordeal- you must feel such relief that Max is getting better at this rate!
Lots of love to you all- keep up the good work-
We are still receiving cards and gifts and are so thankful to have such support throughout this – Thank you to all of you for everything and anything!
Michelle and The Penn State Crew – Wow – Thank You!
Tracey and Kerri – I hope Kevin won’t miss those.
Another great day for Max – Max’s friend Brooke stopped by with her mom, a stuffed Basset, a cute Boston Terrier, and a card – Max was excited! High spirits for sure.
I cruised on by for lunch today to hang out with Max and Laurie for a bit. It was good getting to the studio today, but also good getting home to spend some more time with Max again – I can’t seem to get enough of him these days. :^)
Lunch was left over pizza from the weekend and dinner was left over dinners from the previous evenings. Max, Ana and Laurie had some super tasty chicken parmesan from the night before and I had my mom’s super tasty noodles and stew – and a piece of that chicken parm too.
We played Mad Libs again tonight – that was fun. Max finished the first Bone book – so he is doing some reading (Mrs Sterling). We did our ball exercises and face stretches – Funny, last night Ana was getting upset because she thought Max was making faces at her – turns out he was just exercising.
I cannot stress enough how grateful we are to have such a support network. It has helped so much. And we hope to one day do the same for everyone of you. Well – we hope nothing tragic ever happens to anyone of you – but if it did, we are here for you.
Hay max glad to hear you are feeling better!
Hi Max, That is great news that you are home!! You must be so happy to be in your own home and surrounded by all of your family.
We sure wish we lived closer so we can come over and visit. We(me,Stephen,Danny & Lauren) talk about all our fun memories when you were little and visiting us in Connecticut and Oyster Bay. Do you remember those visits??? You were just a little guy then and sooooo cute!!! But now you seem to be young man and a very strong one at that. Your recovery has been amazing and has tugged at all of our emotions, just praying for you to be better. Keep up your strength and amazingly positive attitude and you’ll be back to your old self in no time. You are in our thoughts and prayers always!! Give your sister a big hug from us.
Laurie – It was great talking with you yesterday. You sound great, so strong!!! That would be great if you can come in June and bring everyone if you can, it would be great to see Carlos and the kids too!!! Miss you and I will check in in a few days. Stay well. Love you, Lisa
So Happy to hear you are doing well Mas Max!! I miss you so much and have been thinking and praying for you everyday. Can’t wait to do Set 1 with you again soon. I’m testing for green sash soon! You are such an amazing person, you are very inspirational to us all! Lots of love and hugs!!!
Thank you for posting the slide slow of your past week and a half. Max, you’ve come such a long way, in such a short time. It is really an inspiration to see your healing and recovery. We are so happy for you (even though we know it has been hard), you amaze me.
Duncan and Ellie say ‘HI’.
xxoo The Ocels again
Tommy, Arielle, Duncan & Ellie
Holy cow guys! We’ve been hearing about Max through the neighborhood grapevine. My kids are in awe of how brave he is – Max you are amazing!
And Carlos and Laurie – please let us know if you need ANYTHING – even if it’s just watching the pets if you need to go back to Portland.
We’re thinking about you!
I came home early today so Laurie could hang out with Ana at soccer and I could spend more time with Max. When Max was Ana’s age we would hang out together more than we do now – but that’s beginning to change. :^)
Laurie had mentioned that our friends Kathy & Tim (from the Jackalope Grill) had left us dinner on the front porch – a gourmet dinner, bottle of wine and dessert to-boot. Not too long after that my dad stopped by to say hi and to drop off Ironman for us to watch. Max’s buddy from Westside Village (Max went there for a couple of years before High Lakes) Wyatt stopped by to hang out for the afternoon and early evening – Max was super happy to see him – we put on Ironman as soon as he arrived. Then a visit from Max’s third grade teacher – Mrs (Janelle) Rebick! Max smiled when he saw her (could’ve been because of the gift she handed him). She was his 3rd grade teacher at High Lakes and Max really liked her. We all talked for a while – it was a fun moment for sure, but then it was time to get back to the movie for Max and his buddy.
My sister stopped by and brought in some zucchini bread one of our neighbors had left for us on the front porch (Laurie knows who it is). Thank you!
Dinner was awesome, everyne (including the kids) finished their meals – we saved dessert for breakfast.
Max is really truly behaving like nothing had ever happened – he is fully enjoying his week off and decided to pass out on the sofa tonight because his auntie massaged him to sleep – rough. ;^)
Had to say hi from two doors away! Just fixing our dinner and was thinking of you guys. Max, I am so happy your feeling better. You are looking awesome. Seth and Gabe are both hoping to see you soon. I’ll be sending something your way tomorrow night, I’ll make them come serve you guys. Perhaps they ought to be on dish duty!!! I had to tell you how great it was to do yoga again with your mom. I actually got teary eyed when I got her text this morning. Yoga just wasn’t the same without my secret agent buddy (ask her about her code name). She tops my list of favorite people. Her down dog is pretty good too. Tell your dad when he’s caught up at work we’re dragging his butt (and Jeff’s) to yoga! I can’t wait to see them do a three legged dog. Ask your mom… Hint: fire hydrant. Much love… Hammond Clan
Dear Max,
We have been following your progress all along and are so happy to hear how you have been progressing. We are thrilled to have you back in the neighborhood. We are all so proud of you. Much Love, The Rosell’s
We are heading back to Portland Friday morning for Max’s check-up. I have started a new post with some more details of the past couple of days, called Healing and dealing – you can see it here.
I will no longer be posting comments on this post, but will continue to do so on the new one. :^) Max, Laurie, and I thank everyone for their continued support through this!