Continued from a previous post.
Max is showing signs of improvement for sure. Day by day a little changes for the better physically, but we are noticing signs of frustration becoming more prevalent. The morning application of SPF – morning, afternoon, and evening application of moisturizer, daily dressing changes for his arm, all taking a toll on his usual upbeat, positive attitude. He mentioned to me this afternoon how he missed going out with his classmates for recess. We went to our friends house earlier in the evening but I could tell he would have preferred to wait in the car while we visited – he said very little while we were their and sat by the stairs for a bit waiting for the time to leave. Not our usual Maxinator.
This weekend we’re thinking about cruising out to see his soccer team’s last game. I really think he’s looking forward to seeing his teammates again even though he won’t be playing.
Our friends over at thump coffee dropped off some super tasty cookies for Max from Nancy P’s today. Holy smokes! Those cookies are so good! Thank you Hazel, Kent and thump crew! And thank you for writing a note on the box for Max to share! The chocolate chip cookies made the final presidential debate tolerable.
Max has grown-up a lot these past several of weeks – were not sure if it has to do with what happened to him or if it’s just his age. He’s getting more serious, but still jokes around. His voice is cracking and is starting to sound like, well, a big boy. It’s really cool to see actually. I think he digs it too. He’s one cool little dude.